For nearly three years, OT Industries is one of our customers. The EPC (Engineering, Procurement, Construction) focus group, which provides complex energy solutions, is a key player in the Middle East gas, oil and chemical industries and the energy sector.
One of the most successful work of our event business is the custom designed and manufactured stand for OT Industries.The stand is completely mobile and can be reused, reflecting the corporate group's activity and image. In recent years OT Industries has appeared several times in our planned and manufactured stand-up workhouses, both in Budapest and in rural areas. Our agency was also asked to design and produce the catalogs and flyers for the group, as well as the production of promotional souvenirs for exhibitions.
According to the agreement signed in January this year, MOL Plc. Purchased 51 percent of the OT Industries Group and acquired the management of the company by acquiring the majority shareholding. Our agency has been involved in creating a new image, and we first designed the joint venture of OT Industries and MOL.
2017. október 20.